Member Update: Health Care Bargaining – March 27, 2018

Nova Scotia Labour Board will finalize IWK Essential Services Plan 

The Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions today requested that the Nova Scotia Labour Board settle the outstanding issues and finalize an Essential Services plan for the IWK. The Labour Board has 30 days to hear submissions from both the Employer and the Council of Unions and reach a conclusion on the remaining issues.

At the end of this process the IWK will have an Essential Services plan.

The Council of Unions, Health Care Bargaining Unit, has worked hard to reach an Essential Services plan that meets the needs of its members as well as ensures the health and safety of patients.

The Council of Unions believes that the remaining issues cannot be resolved through negotiations with the Employer and is using the process provided under the Essential Health and Community Services Act to empower the Labour Board to finalize the plan.

The application to the Labour Board is the next logical step and aligns with the Council of Union’s announcement that a strike vote for all 6,500 members of its Health Care Bargaining Unit across Nova Scotia. This is to send a message to the Employers and government to take collective bargaining and the Council’s proposals seriously and to work with the Council of Unions to get a deal done.

The primary goal of both the strike vote and sending the essential services plan to the Labour Board is to create pressure so that the Employers and the Government will engage in meaningful negotiations and complete a new collective agreement.

NSHA Essential Services

The Council of Unions is nearing completion of an Essential Service plan for the NSHA. We will continue to keep members updated on the progress of the NSHA plan.

Strike Vote Update

There will soon be more information on the upcoming province-wide healthcare strike vote.  These forums will include electronic updates, in person meetings, and telephone town halls, to provide additional information on the outstanding issues, meeting locations and voting times.  It is important that you participate in these forums.

The strike vote is an important next step in the bargaining process to get health care members a new collective agreement. The Council of Unions, NSHA and IWK have further conciliation dates set for April 10th, 11th, 12th and again on May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

Please forward any questions via your Area VP. Contact information is available on the website at