The Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions, in partnership with all four bargaining committees, is recommending a proposed agreement with the Nova Scotia Health Authority and the IWK be ratified by the membership.
The proposal would provide a mediation arbitration process to conclude collective agreements for all four bargaining committees in health care, nursing, support and administrative professionals.
Under this proposal mediation arbitration would be used to resolve any issues that cannot be concluded at the bargaining table and all four bargaining units would have a collective agreement by the end of the year.
This agreement will be put to a vote by all acute care members.
This is a significant development and we understand that there will be many questions and much discussion as to the details and benefits of this proposal.
A full information package is currently being developed and will be available beginning this weekend including a schedule of any telephone town halls.
The ultimate goal of the Council of Unions was to bring you a fair deal for your consideration and final vote. The Council of Unions and your bargaining committee’s are recommending ratification of this process for mediation and arbitration after more than 18 months at the bargaining table without concluding an agreement for the health care group.
Thank you for your continued patience and support during this challenging process.
Please forward any questions via your Area VP. Contact information is available on the website at