Nursing Week 2023: Join Us in Celebrating Our Nursing Teams!

Healthcare workers are the heart of Nova Scotia’s healthcare system.

As Nova Scotians, we trust our skilled and dedicated healthcare team: our licenced practical nurses, registered nurses and continuing care assistants who care for those we love when we need them the most.

For National Nursing Week, join us in thanking all the dedicated healthcare workers across our province, who are the backbone of our public healthcare system.


National Nursing Week is from May 8th to 14th this year. The celebrations take place during the same week as Florence Nightingale’s birthday, on May 12th, each year.

A print ad will run in the Chronicle Herald during their Nurses Week spot on May 9th in addition to digital ads (see above) on Saltwire newspaper websites across the province throughout the week. A radio ad will also run on stations province-wide. Listen to the radio ad below.