CUPE NS Convention Bulletin – May 29

Today, delegates heard from Nova Scotia Division President Nan McFadgen, who gave us an overview of everything accomplished by the Division this year, before turning our thoughts to organizing for the future. CUPE National President Mark Hancock put the political and bargaining trends we’re seeing in NS into context, ending with an inspiring call to action against attacks on organized labour. We also heard messages of solidarity from other union leaders across the province.

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Delegates heard from members of CUPE Local 5047, who are now on Day 14 of their strike. We raised $57,600 on the floor of the convention for Local 5047’s hardship fund. Another $2000 in cash donations directly from delegates was raised off the floor, and later on, CUPE NB called to announce a donation of more than $4,000.

In the afternoon, delegates heard from members of Local 3912, who won historic gains following their fall 2022 strike. Despite having been underestimated, these members persevered despite obstacles at every turn, and won huge gains because they threw out the rule book on how to engage with members and wrote their own instead. Delegates learned from their discussion of new tactics like online picketing. It was inspiring to see so much leadership from the next generation of activists.

A number of resolutions were introduced, debated and passed, and we held an election forum to invite members to offer to take on elected roles with the Division. While a few candidates stood up and volunteered to serve, additional candidates are still welcome to put their names forward.