Celebrating Black History Month

CUPE Nova Scotia is proud to observe Black History Month by celebrating Black culture and heritage, honouring Black leaders’ accomplishments and contributions to our society, and committing to taking anti-racist action every day. We currently have two spots running that will run all month on radio and streaming platforms across the province. If you miss them, listen here:

Radio Transcript:

As we enter the Second United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent, CUPE Nova Scotia would like to invite you to join us in celebrating African Heritage Month and the long-standing legacy of African Nova Scotians.

For more than 200 years, African Nova Scotians across this province have shaped our history, our culture, and our community.

We want to take this opportunity to recognize that legacy, both past and present, and inspire future generations.

This has been a message from CUPE Nova Scotia.

Streaming Transcript:

This African Heritage Month, we invite fellow Nova Scotians to join us in honoring the legacy of African Nova Scotians and their pivotal role in shaping the history of our province.

This has been a message from CUPE Nova Scotia.

For more information on CUPE’s observation of Black History Month, please click here.