The votes have been counted, and we have all agreed to ratify
Friends—we did it! The final votes have just been tallied up and school support staff across Nova Scotia have voted in favour of accepting the tentative agreement. We are proud of what we have achieved throughout this round of negotiations and honoured to have had the support of over 5,000 workers across Nova Scotia.
This round of bargaining really showed us what we can do when we work together. Unity in the Council and solidarity across all eight locals is what got us this deal. We did this together.
Together, we got a signed commitment from EECD Minister Brendan Maguire that school support staff will be part of discussions on safety in schools. We got paid training for all school support staff, not just classifications deemed “at risk”. Violent incident reports will now go to our union, as well as our employer.
Together, we got a flat rate wage increase that will bring our lowest-earning members closer to a decent wage.
Together we got improvements to leave benefits, pensions, and overtime provisions.
Together, we improved the lives of over 5,000 workers across Nova Scotia. Together we fought, and together we won!
We thank each and every member for your support, your action, and your solidarity.
Nelson Scott (Local 5050), Andrew Weaver (Local 964), Kevin Carther (Local 3876), Gerrard Matthews (Local 955), Jenny-Lynn Wardrope (Local 3890), Robert Amero (Local 2272), Jennifer Cox (Local 4682), Shelley McNeil (Local 5047), and Robert Mackay, Communications Officer
Nova Scotia School Board Council of Unions
Note: Former members of certain locals do need to claim retroactive wages with the employer. If you feel you are owed retropay, please reach out to the local executive to ensure you are aware of what steps you need to take to receive retroactive wages.