CUPE Nova Scotia is launching the End Violence: Faceless No More Campaign to raise awareness of the types of violence workers may be exposed to and the steps we can all take to prevent them.
Through the campaign, information and material will be distributed to every worksite in the province where CUPE members are on the job. A new fact sheet will be released each month, and each will focus on one of five forms of workplace related violence:
- Intimate partner (or domestic) violence
- Violence committed by criminal outsider
- Violence committed by service provider connected to workplace
- Violence committed by co-worker
- Psychological violence from any other source
Resolving the issues that lead to violence in the workplace may be difficult, but CUPE members all over the province are having success when they engage with their health and safety committees to work on the problem. If you have additional questions, contact your CUPE servicing representative, health and safety representative, or human rights representative.
Fact Sheet #1: Intimate Partner (or Domestic) Violence
Intimate partner (or domestic) violence can spill over to the workplace and when it does the consequences can be severe. When a person leaves a violent relationship, sometimes the workplace can be the only place where the estranged partner knows where to find their target.
44% of women over the age of 15 have self-reported experiencing intimate partner violence, and the numbers are even higher for women from the Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, disabled and 2SLGBTQI+ communities. For the majority, intimate partner violence follows them to work.
>>> Learn more and download a copy of the fact sheet on intimate partner (or domestic) violence at
Take the survey
We know gender-based violence is prevalent in our society and we want to understand how it appears in our workplaces so we can advocate for stronger workplace protections.
This type of violence is directed at a person because of their gender and can be physical or psychological. It can include harassment, physical violence, sexual assault and rape. It can happen in our relationships, our homes, our communities, and our workplaces, and it affects people from all walks of life.
>>> All CUPE members in Nova Scotia are also asked to complete the survey at It takes two minutes to complete.
Confidentiality and anonymity are assured. No identifiers will be matched to responses, and only combined data will be used in reports.