On Sunday the Nova Scotia Government declared a Provincial State of Emergency. This declaration comes with many mandatory restrictions and consequences to not abiding by same. Please visit the government website at to view relevant information in conjunction with COVID-19. It continues to be important for you follow the notices and updates being put out by your Employer, the Nova Scotia Health Authority.

We have received many inquiries about what this declaration of a State of Emergency means to our members. We will be working with CUPE National staff and the NSHA in order deal with various issues that have been brought forward. At this time if you have not been directed otherwise, report to work as normal. Please check with management if you have questions or concerns of how this could immediately impact what you should or should not be doing.

Workers are protected under the Occupational Health & Safety Act’s Right to Refuse process. You must identify your concerns to a supervisor/manager first, and give them the opportunity to address the issue. If the concern is not resolved safely, then it can be escalated to the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee. If this outcome is unsatisfactory it is then that the Labour Board may do an investigation. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction after management responds initially, it should be flagged to your local Union Representative so they are aware.

Thank you for taking time and care for Nova Scotians. Throughout this crisis you continue to show up and do the important work to help keep people healthy. Every person, every job, contributes to maintaining the function of the healthcare system and we remain ever grateful to you for that!

Once again, be sure to join our Facebook group CUPE8920 and check out our website

In Solidarity,

Bev Strachan
President CUPE 8920