Read the leaflet: Our seniors deserve better

It recently came to light that the Valley View Villa nursing home has a $1.5 million budget shortfall and, in addition to budget cuts made by the Liberal government to long-term care, we are concerned this will impact the quality of care that the 113 residents at Valley View Villa receive.

In order to bring the nursing home’s finances under control, management are making cuts and changes that include reducing the resident-to-staff ratio, scheduling less staff on weekends, not replacing staff who require time off, and laying off staff who provide vital services – such as continuing care assistants (CCAs), kitchen staff, maintenance and environmental services.

Workers are concerned these changes will put an additional burden on staff and directly affect quality of care, such as the types of meals provided and limited cleaning – a significant change, especially during flu season!

The Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness is responsible for oversight of the nursing home’s management and finances. How did the situation at Valley View Villa get to this point, under the supervision of management and the Department?

Our nursing home residents have worked hard all their lives, raising families and contributing to our communities. We need to advocate for those who may not be able to do so for themselves.

What can you do?

Please contact your MLA and Minister of Health and Wellness Randy Delorey.

Ask the Department of Health and Wellness to step in to resolve the management issues and budget deficit, and ask that provincial budget cuts to long-term care be reversed.

Randy Delorey
Minister of Health and Wellness Barrington Tower
1894 Barrington Street
P.O. Box 488
Halifax, NS B3J 2R8
Telephone: 902-424-3377

Tim Houston
MLA for Pictou East
2042 Queen Street
Site 40, Mod 7, Comp 7, RR #2
Westville, NS B0K 2A0
Telephone: 902-695-3582

Thank you for listening to our concerns. We believe it’s important to highlight what effects the $1.5 million budget shortfall is having on residents at Valley View Villa.