CUPE brings pro-public message to provincial municipal meeting

CUPE Nova Scotia representatives talked up the value of public services and warned about the dangers of privatization at a recent provincial gathering of municipal leaders.

CUPE NS hosted an exhibit at the virtual conference of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) and helped sponsor the event, which took place November 3 and 4.

“Being at these events let us connect with municipal leaders on shared concerns and make sure workers’ voices and expertise are part of the conversation on issues affecting our cities and towns,” said CUPE Nova Scotia President Nan McFadgen.

Our delegation shared CUPE’s latest research about public-private partnerships (P3s), Asking the right questions: A guide for municipal officials considering P3s. This fully-updated second edition of our popular guide weighs all the evidence and concludes that P3 privatization still costs more and delivers less.

The guide outlines 10 essential questions every municipal official should ask before considering entering into a P3. Asking the right questions takes a critical look at the case for and against using P3s and highlights the value of keeping our municipal assets and services fully public.

CUPE members can download the guide or order printed copies, free of charge, at

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